Monday, May 28, 2007

Whats Happening

Hi I'm Kelly,
This blog is for my triathlons. My first tri is on July 14th, its called "The Table Mountain Triathlon."It will be a 200 yard swim, a 6.2 mile bike, and a 1.2 mile run. I'm so excited to have my tri. My dad, Duane, is my inspiration. He has done a triathlon and he is working very hard for his future ones.

So far I have done around 750 yards of swimming and 35 min. of biking. So, welcome to my blog.


Tea said...

Kelly, That's AWESOME!

My two boys (ages 11 and 13) are doing their first Tri's in August.

I'll have a blast reading about your training. :)

Brigitte said...

Good luck to you sweetie. Can't wait to read your next entries.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, your dad is one of my inspirations, too!

I'm really looking forward to following your adventures as you work towards your first tri!

Podium quest said...

I'm excited for you! I'll be looking foreward to your posts and look foreward to reading about your first race! Good luck!

Podium quest said...

By the way, I've been reading your Dads blog for awhile and he's a huge motivation for me too. His determination is awe inspiring!