Monday, May 28, 2007

In The Future

All summer I will be training/excising. I'm excited and a little bummed. I'm excited because I get to spend a lot of time with my Dad.

I'm bummed cause I will be sore and I might have to wake up really early like, 6:30 :( . But I'm mostly excited. :P


Joy | Love | Chaos said...

No need to be bummed about the early days -- they get easier and easier the more you do.

Okay, not ALL of them! But at least most of the time.

Can't wait to hear about all of your big successes this summer. Rock on!!

LBTEPA said...

Welcome Kelly - what a great goal. I like getting up early because it's 'my time' and no one is bossing me around - I'm doing exactly what I want to do not what I have to or should be doing. (summer is easier than winter though!)
Good luck and keep us posted :)

Mary Sunshine said...

Hi Kelly!

Great to hear about your upcoming race.

Please be sure to have fun!

Maybe you can write a book about triathlons for kids someday!

Cheering you on from Ohio,

Mary Sunshine

Unknown said...

Pretty soon you might look forward to getting up early to train and spend time with your Dad. HAVE FUN!!! Keep us posted with your progress!

Di said...

can't wait to hear about your mornings training with your Dad. You two are going to have a great summer!! Congratulations on your new undertaking!