Monday, May 28, 2007

In The Future

All summer I will be training/excising. I'm excited and a little bummed. I'm excited because I get to spend a lot of time with my Dad.

I'm bummed cause I will be sore and I might have to wake up really early like, 6:30 :( . But I'm mostly excited. :P

Whats Happening

Hi I'm Kelly,
This blog is for my triathlons. My first tri is on July 14th, its called "The Table Mountain Triathlon."It will be a 200 yard swim, a 6.2 mile bike, and a 1.2 mile run. I'm so excited to have my tri. My dad, Duane, is my inspiration. He has done a triathlon and he is working very hard for his future ones.

So far I have done around 750 yards of swimming and 35 min. of biking. So, welcome to my blog.